Saturday, November 19, 2005

Why I Will Never Be In The Armed Forces

This was a very stressful morning; moreso than any Saturday morning should be.

I woke up around 8:30am, in anticipation of the Billy Joel tickets going on sale. I turn on the TV and sit up in bed only to see that the mouse traps between the wall and the television shelf are askew. I begin to panic. It's too early to think about a mouse corpse underneath the rubble of wooden traps. I watch Ebert & Roeper, trying very hard to distract myself from what I know I need to clean up.

It takes me about 45 minutes to psych up the energy and resolve to dispose of this unwanted roommate. I open up some sterile gloves and triple bag garbage bags. I peer over to the spot of perish and see a small gray mass beneath the traps. It was like the photo of Kurt Cobain's suicide, where all you see is his leg. Kinda the same thing here, but with a mouse. After taking many deep breaths, I sweep the crime scene into the bag and toss it outside. The long national nightmare is over.

Very keyed up, I then prepare to get Billy Joel tickets for his show at the Garden. At 9:59am I am frantically pushing refresh on my computer, until I get the screen to get tickets. After much stress, I do get tickets. They are not the best seats, but good enough. I'm just happy to be going to the show. Just for kicks, I also tried my luck at getting a ticket for the Boston show 5 days before the NY show. Luck was on my side because I got a ticket next to the stage, 12 rows up. It is so much fun being a superfan.

Quote of the Day:
"I know it sounds calculating, but if you're not cute, you might as well be clever." -David Sedaris

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