Monday, December 31, 2007

Post Christmas

First and foremost, a huge congratulations to my beloved Washington Redskins for securing a playoff spot by defeating the hated Cowboys last night. I've had confidence in my team all season. We had a few heartbreaking losses and the tragic death of Sean Taylor, but still we managed to forge on. We have Seattle on Saturday and I shant wave my optimism. Go 'Skins!

I was home for a week or so celebrating the holidays. This was nice because I really haven't had the chance to be home for awhile. The week pretty much consisted of eating, eating, shopping, eating, returning, eating, sleep. The big event of the week was the celebration of my Dad's 70th birthday. Yes, the Big Guy turned the big 7-0. And although I ate possibly the largest meal ever (nothing shows my true appreciation better than taking full advantage of him), it didn't stop me from gorging myself the rest of the holidays.

And the holiday season wold not be complete without being forced out of bed at 5:30am the day after Christmas to be the first at the mall for post-Christmas slashing sales. And although getting up early is not my first choice, it is ultimately the best decision. Macy's was not crowded and I actually had my own personal shoe guy. Clothes were neatly hung on racks untouched and rampaged by the masses. Prices were really slashed and the hardest thing to resist was buying for the sake of immediately eBay-ing. After much restraint, I was successful in buying what I needed and leaving the extraneous to other bargain shoppers. By the time I finished my mall rounds at 10:30am, I felt like I already put in a full day.

As for New Year's Eve, I am continuing my tradition of rockin' it in with Dick Clark and falling asleep soon after. I hope the rest of you are spending this New Year with friends and loved ones. Be safe and have fun!

Quote of the Day:
"I like coincidences. They make me wonder about destiny, and whether free will is an illusion or just a matter of perspective. They let me speculate on the idea of some master plan that, from time to time, we're allowed to see out of the corner of our eye." -Chuck Sigars

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Now I've Seen Everything

I was walking in Times Square tonight and outside of the Charmin public restrooms there was a person dressed up as a toilet next to someone dressed as the Charmin bear.

It was the saddest thing I have ever seen.

Quote of the Day:
"Regardless of what I do, I'm a hero." -David Letterman

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Farnsworth Invention

I had high expectations going into seeing the Farnsworth Invention on Broadway last light for the following reasons:
1. It's a play about the guy who invented television.
2. It's written by Aaron Sorkin
3. It stars Hank Azaria.

And what made it even better was that my ticket was free. Free always bumps things up a notch.

The play itself was pretty good, although not Sorkin's best work. He tried cramming a lot of information about the men and situations, and as a result, made the scenes a little clunky. I probably enjoyed it more because I was familiar with the subject. All in all, a good show. I would not recommend if you care little for television and/or science.

Quote of the Day:
"We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves." -Lynn Hall