Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Theory

We all have our pet peeves. Some more insidious that others, but still irritating nonetheless. For example, I hate it when on an escalator, a person is just standing on the left side, when it is clearly the passing side. Often at times, people are also standing on the right, making it impossible to get around them. I hate those people.

Next, I have a had a theory for some time now, that celebrities should not be allowed to name children. It has really gotten out of control, especially in recent years. We've cringed at the naming of Apple, Banjo, and Jermajesty, but now we have a whole new crop of names that make those names seem like Mary, Jennifer and Tom, like Pilot Inspektor and Moxie Crimefighter.

But this one, THIS ONE, takes the cake. Nicolas Cage and his wife recently had a baby boy, Kal-El Coppola Cage. If this name wasn't bad enough on it's own right, Kal-El is the birth name of Superman on the planet Krypton. Yes, he essentially named his son Superman. Little Kal-El's crib just might as well be in a therapist's office.

Quote of the Day:
"Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone." --Gertrude Stein

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