Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday in the Bookstore with Steve

After getting shut out of three Steve Martin events, I was worried that my streak of seeing him once a year in person was in jeopardy. With the help of the "Highly Admire" gods and PR flacks, that didn't happen. My yearly Date with Steve remains in tact.

This year's encounter took place this afternoon at Barnes & Noble. He had a signing of his new children's book, "The Alphabet from A To Y With Bonus Letter Z". He was accompanied by the illustrator (and New Yorker cartoonist) Roz Chast. Barnes & Noble denied us photography, so no visual evidence this time around, but he was wearing an olive green suit and crisp white shirt.

The irony was that this was a signing of a children's book, yet there were only a sprinkle of actual children. The majority were older people. One of whom, was a gentleman next to me who felt it necessary to give a play-by-play of the happenings. "He has his own pens". "He's drinking Fiji water". "She's signing first".

Because it was just a signing -- no Q&A -- and it was just a signing of the children's book, the line went by very quickly. I told Roz Chast I enjoyed her New Yorker cartoons and told Steve I was looking forward to his memoir next month. And then I threw myself at him declaring my undying love forever. OK, maybe not that last part.

I always treasure my moments of being in the same room as my Ideal Man. He continues to live up to expectations.

Quote of the Day:
"Each person's life is lived as a series of conversations." -Deborah Tannen

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