This scared me.
But I was determined not to let this get the best of me. It was an ideal day, cool with hints of warmth. It's what a true autumn day is. I was feeling pretty good and then fatigue. I stopped a couple of times and kept going. When my left knee started to hurt, I recommended that we take a lunch break. After some time, I found a good pace and am proud to say, made it through all 25-miles unscathed. And I did not get eaten by a bear.
I woke up this morning to be in debilitating pain, but aside from some soreness in my legs, feel pretty good. This trip made me realize how much I really love biking and I hope to be able to do it again soon.
I think I tired myself more this afternoon praying for football wins than pedaling all that distance yesterday.

Quote of the Day:
"I can't believe its only 4:30pm. It feel like its 7pm tomorrow". -Ellen Teitel, after biking 25-miles.
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