What a fun weekend!!!
Darlene drove down from Boston and Jenn drove up from DC, both arriving on Friday night. While they were on the slopes on Saturday, I watched various random shows from the DVR. That night, in the spirit of Mardi Gras (though unintentional), we ended up at Oddfellows. We all left with full bellies and walked some of it off, but going to Hot Pete & Jared's housewarming party, where this delightful photograph was taken. They have a very nice apartment, although I am concerned with the number of penguins there.
While Jenn went to visit Grandma, Meg, Darlene and I kept it a late morning. Beth and Kerwick came to the Brothel and from there braved the wind tunnels to Wolfgang Puck's Express for an extended lunch. All and all, a very nice weekend.
Time to pack the warmest of the warm clothes, as I am foolishly going to Boston for a couple of days. I'm going to savor Robin's featherbed for the last time before it gets dismantled to make room for BabyBunny's Big Girl Room. ...Oh yeah, and to visit Robin, LoveBunny and other friends (although, sadly, the featherbed was a huge factor in the decision).
I miss the 60 degree winter.
Quote of the Day:
"If Jay Leno makes you laugh, chances are I am not going to like you as a person." -Peter Griffin, Famly Guy
Aw, I had fun too!! Have a great time with the featherbed in Boston.
What a fine lookin' group of ladies! I had a blast, too! And Ellen, I'm so proud you stayed at the party for as long as you did! :)
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