Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Farnsworth Invention

I had high expectations going into seeing the Farnsworth Invention on Broadway last light for the following reasons:
1. It's a play about the guy who invented television.
2. It's written by Aaron Sorkin
3. It stars Hank Azaria.

And what made it even better was that my ticket was free. Free always bumps things up a notch.

The play itself was pretty good, although not Sorkin's best work. He tried cramming a lot of information about the men and situations, and as a result, made the scenes a little clunky. I probably enjoyed it more because I was familiar with the subject. All in all, a good show. I would not recommend if you care little for television and/or science.

Quote of the Day:
"We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves." -Lynn Hall

1 comment:

Whitney J. Marsden said...

I've tagged you, feel free to play along... talk to you soon!