Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Random Thoughts and Ramblings

It's been awhile and I don't want to deprive you of yet another edition of Random Thoughts and Ramblings. Let us begin:

* The Writer's Guild Strike really, really sucks. It sucks for multiple reasons. First, many of my friends are in the WGA and it saddens me to have them not work. This is a worthy strike though, and they should continue until their demands are met. Second, this lessens the available jobs for me in an already small market. And finally, I am in Letterman, Conan, Daily Show, Colbert withdrawl. I need new episodes. I missed Dave and his Mom play "Guess the Pie" on Thanksgiving. My favorite moment of the year. And too many bonehead politicos have had their actions go unobserved by Jon Stewart. So please mega-corporations, give the writers what they want.

* Top Five Songs Played on iTunes:
- "Radio Nowhere" by Bruce Springsteen
- "The City of New Orleans" by Arlo Guthrie
- "There's Always Someone Cooler Than You" by Ben Folds
- "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy
- "Shelter From the Storm" by Bob Dylan

* Steve Martin recently released his autobiography focusing on his childhood through his stand-up career. I have not had the opportunity to read it yet, but I think it's a safe assumption that this is an absolute get and a must buy.

* Last night Cheryl and I went to see a screening of Walk Hard: the Dewey Cox Story, starring John C. Reilly. I probably haven't laughed this much in a movie theatre since seeing a sneak preview of There's Something About Mary almost ten years ago. I great broad comedy about biopics. Afterwards there was a Q&A with John C. Reilly, Kristen Wiig and the producer. It was as good as the movie.

* A couple of weeks ago I was walking on the upper west side and this woman stops and asks me for directions. It takes me a second to realize it's 70s supermodel Lauren Hutton.

* I really hate those store coupons in which half the coupon is small print in all the departments and items that are NOT applicable. Seriously, what's the point of printing the coupon when there are more restrictions than uses.

* Top 5 Non-Late Night TV Shows
- Pardon the Interruption
- How I Met Your Mother
- Dirty Sexy Money
- Project Runway
- The Biggest Loser

* Also striking are the Broadway stagehands. I feel so bad for families who have planned holiday trips to New York, revolving around a Broadway show, only to have it cancelled. One benefit though -- many restaurants that are impossible to get into, have zero waits. Might as well enjoy John's Pizzeria and Virgil's BBQ while I can.

Quote of the Day:
"Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good." -Thomas Paine

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