Yes, he is a grouch, but he has a good soul and that made me love him all the more. Every year I take a trip to the Smithsonian Museum of American History. My first stop is always to the television section to visit my beloved Oscar. Don't think I haven't shoved little kids out of the way to get to him, because I have.
So it was last Monday that made for a very special evening. I went to the Barnes & Noble by Lincoln Center for a Q&A and signing of a new book called Street Gang, celebrating the 40th anniversary of "Sesame Street". Among the panelists were Roscoe Orman, who plays Gordon and Carroll Spinney, who is Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch. The actress who plays Maria was also there and she looks fantastic. There were a couple hundred people there and surprisingly few children. I was in the second row.
Carroll Spinney is 75 years old now and has been with the show since the beginning. He brought on stage a black duffel bag. A few minutes in, the origins of Oscar came up for topic. Spinney takes the duffel bag and opens it. A little bit of green felt is seen. An audible gasp fills the room. He takes out Oscar!! (It is unbelievably painful for me to mention at this point that I forgot my camera at home -- you have no idea how mad at myself I was at this moment). He puts Oscar over his hand and starts speaking in Oscar voice. I am beside myself. And even though I could see it was a puppet and I could see him speaking, for about a minute it truly felt like Oscar was real.
More Q&A went on, yada, yada, yada.
So it was time for the book signing. I did buy Street Gang, along with Spinney's autobiography. There weren't too many people in front of me, yet the line was moving incredibly slow. I soon found out why. In everybody's book, Carroll Spinney was hand-drawing a picture of Big Bird.

When it was m turn, it brought me tremendous happiness to tell him that Oscar has always been my favorite and to thank him for all the happiness he has brought me in my life. His response was in Oscar voice, "Well that's a grouchy thing to say!". There have been few moments in my life that I felt such a pure joy. I shook his hand and went on my way.
As I've mentioned quite often in the Genius Switch, living in New York has given me the opportunity to do so many things that I would never get to do anywhere else. I feel so lucky to go to events such as this and meet people who had such a positive impact on my life and to be able to thank them. It means the absolute world to me.
Quote of the Day:
"Always start the day with a smile - that way you get it over with." -Oscar the Grouch