I haven't done this in a while. I present to you another edition of Random Thoughts & Ramblings...
* Why is it always feast or famine in the TV industry? There's a work drought for months and then all the offers come at once. What is a girl supposed to do?
* Is Tony Kornheiser EVER returning from vacation back to PTI? Seriously, he's had more vacation time than anyone ever. I miss him dearly, but not sure it's because I love him so much or because I want to hurl every time Dan LeBatard is on the screen. At least we have Wilbon back.
* Can someone please spare $10,000 so I can adopt the David Letterman portrait at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC? In exchange you will have my deepest gratitude. And really, isn't that payment enough?
* 10 songs you should download from iTunes right now:
- "Square One" by Tom Petty
- "Landed" by Ben Folds
- "The Pugilist At 59" by Tom Russell
- "Trouble" by Ray LaMontangue
- "Come Around" by Rhett Miller
- "Mississippi" by Bob Dylan
- "The Sea and the Rhythm" by Iron & Wine
- "Alright Guy" by Todd Snider
- "All These Things I've Done Before" by the Killers
- "Deja Vu (All Over Again)" by John Fogerty
* For good background music via the internet, might I suggest Gone Gator radio at http://gonegatorradio.com. Although primarily Tom Petty songs, they also have a great number of Petty contemporaries and influences like Jackson Browne, the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen and the Byrds. It's free too. We all like free.
* For the intellectual side of you that craves smart humor, definitely get the free (again, YAY free!!) podcast subscription of the Little Gray Book lectures. They are true gems which feature John "I'm a PC" Hodgman. And while subscribing to that, also click on the They Might Be Giants podcasts. They are little slices of happiness, let me tell you.
* There are 2 places in this world that I have no power over:
- Brookline Booksmith, Brookline, MA
- Pines of Rome, Bethesda, MD
* If you have some free time, check out the Tuesday afternoon chats of Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten. He's great friends with Dave Barry and always has an interesting array of topics to discuss, Definitely worth 15 minutes of your time every week.
* What is up with Delaware? In all my travels up and down I-95, Delaware has always been the nice, harmless state that I drive through in 20 minutes. But lately I've been spending more time there than desired. The traffic is unbelievable. And it seems that way regardless of time of day. And if you ever want to play a fun game while in Delaware -- see if you can find 2 cars in a row with Delaware plates. Betcha can't do it.
* And while on the subject of I-95 -- the New Jersey Turnpike is the road to hell.
* You Tube is one of the best sites to come about it quite some time.
* 6 shows you should be watching, but aren't:
- Great Hotels, Travel Channel, Daily, 11:30-Noon & 12:30-1pm
- The Henry Rollins Show, IFC, Saturday, 10-10:30pm
- CBS Sunday Morning, CBS, Sunday 9-10:30am
- The Vault, VH1 Classic, Check Listings
- American Masters / American Experience, PBS, Usually Monday, Check Listings
* Like Walt Disney said, it truly is a small world after all.
Quote of the Day:
"Could you imagine how horrible things would be if we always told others how we felt? Life would be intolerably bearable." -Randy K. Milholland