Friday, June 08, 2007

Oh, What a Night!

Ladies and gentlemen, the past 24 hours of my life:

10:30am - Offered a job to be a writer for Discovery Channel game show "Cash Cab".

10:31-10:59am - Mini panic attack. Had been offered another job as well and weighing the pros and cons of what to take.

11:00am - Return phone call to "Cash Cab" and accept their offer. I am officially a game show writer!!!

11:05am - Turn down other job offer. Hope that I made the right decision and not burning any bridges. Feeling pretty good.

11:05am-6:45pm - "Work"

6:45-7:15pm - Commute to studio for "Grand Slam" tapings

8-10:45pm - Watch tapings. See that I am about two inches taller than Dennis Miller. He is awesome. The shows are real nail-biters. A lot of fun and wish to still be a game show contestant one day.

10:45-10:50pm - In a cab headed towards the PATH station. See more traffic than there should be and opt to get out and walk to Port Authority.

10:45-11:55pm - Wait/Travel home from Port Authority.

11:59pm - Get home and head upstairs. Discover the door to my bedroom locked. Do not usually lock the door and therefore do not have the key to open it on me. Landlord had been there earlier to fix AC and must have locked it on his way out.

Midnight - Overtired and panicing. Consider crying (but don't).

12:01-12:10am - Get a screwdriver and attempt to pry open the lock. This fails. Decide to slumber in the captain's chair in the basement. Roommate Liz is awake and offers me t-shirt and sheets. Write note to Meg, so when she sees my backpack outside my door, she'll know why.

12:15-12:25am - Attempt to sleep in captain's chair. Lower back pain confirms this is not going to work. Debate sleeping outside on the couch.

12:26-12:29am - Take cushion from couch and bring it downstairs. Make a makeshift bed.

12:30-12:45pm - Cannot sleep. Envisioning Meg reading note and laughing, causing me to laugh.

12:46am - Meg comes home.

12:47-12:55am - Meg laughing at me. Gets me an extra blanket. And laughs. And laughs some more.

12:56-2:00am - Cannot sleep. Want to sleep so badly. Think I might not ever sleep again.

2:00-5:00am - Sleep.

5:01am - Wake up.

5:02-7:15am - Kinda doze off and on but never really fall back asleep. Hear roommates beging to stir.

7:16am - Call landlord. Landlord assumed I locked my door. Landlord wrong. Landlord says he will be there in about an hour.

8:30am - Landlord arrives with giant ring of keys.

8:31-8:35am - Landlord tries all keys. None fit my door.

8:36-8:45am - Landlord returns home to get more keys.

8:46-8:50am - Landlord tries second giant ring of keys. None fit my door. Begin to wonder if I will ever see my room again. Landlord asks for my cell and calls his wife. I return to the basement.

9:00am - Hear my cell phone ring. Landlord is not answering it.

9:01am - Run upstairs to answer phone.

9:02am - See bedroom door open. Ask landlord what happened. Landlord took the screen off the bathroom, went on roof, and even though my window has no part of the roof on it, somehow got across and opening my bedroom door from the inside.

9:04am - Thank landlord for coming in and give him key to make a duplicate. Landlord leaves. I forget to ask if my AC is fixed. Too tired to turn on AC to find out.

9:05am - Collapse into bed.

10:30am - Alarm goes off. Get ready to start the day.

Quote of the Day:
"What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expected generally happens." -Benjamin Disraeli

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