Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Just Another Day at the Office

The only thing I have ever wanted to do with my life is to be involved in television. Now that I am ensconced in the biz, I sometimes question if this was the best decision. I'm always looking for a project. Money is not plentiful. The hours can be really long.

But then there are days like today that remind me why I wanted to be part of it in the first place. Days that rejuvenate my love for the industry and erase all doubt that working in television was what I was put on this earth to do.

This summer on "Stump the Schwab" has been nothing less that wonderful. The people are great and I truly love my job. Besides having a steady number of cakes, there is always something interesting happening. For example, today we not only worked with New York City icon, Naked Cowboy, I also met Louie the Chimp.

Louie is so awesome. I played with him and just fell head over heels in love. Although a little shorter and hairier than the guys I tend to fall for, I think I can make the exception. All the staff and crew could not get enough of him. He was extremely active and a pleasure to be around. Everyone had wide smiles on their faces, like little kids at Christmas. Seriously, isn't he the cutest thing ever??

What will tomorrow bring...? God bless television.

Quote of the Day:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an adorable couple!